About Me

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I love to write, it is my passion. I've now been published twice and I plan on becoming a world-renown author once out of high school. I also plan on becoming a high school English teacher because I live for English and Lit.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Currently Working On...

Right now, I'm currently working on my senior project for school which is taking up most of my time, but I'll gradually start posting again. 
I'm having a friend draw my cover for the book I'm putting together and the art is based on the story I will be using for the fourth year section. 
Here's a little tidbit of it:

Once upon a time, in a deep and dark forest, sat a young woman who glowed in the shining moonlight. Her bright blonde hair shimmered around her pale face, crowding close to her pale blue eyes. She sat picking the Moon Flower, the only flower in the kingdom that bloomed at night. The wind held its breath, letting the girl sit in the warm air without stirring her wild waves and soft white dress she wore. Many people who saw her wondered why there was a woman sitting in the dead of night, picking flowers, but they never disturbed her. The travelers kept walking, unsure if the woman was just a specter or their imagination playing tricks on them. But they didn’t know that this woman was actually the daughter of the King of Gaskarth. She was just the opposite of her father, who was dark in every sense of the word. He blended in with the trees around, his throne made of deep onyx stone that was always cold. He had a cold heart that matched his citizens’ souls. But the girl was kind, warm and always smiling. She could never be mean to anyone, no matter what they did to her, except with her father though that was expected. She had the brightest of spirits in all the Kingdom and that is why she glowed in the moonlight. Arunima was the most beautiful woman in the realm and many men wanted to marry her. The King refused to have her married to these evil men. He wanted the best for her and he would not settle for anyone in the Kingdom.
He knew she would be his bargaining chip though, to settle a dispute between the neighboring kingdom, Doramir. They were on the brink of war and the King would not risk the loss of his dear forest. He loved his daughter, but he valued the well being of his kingdom first. He knew he had to get her to marry the prince from Doramir. He had to stop the brooding war, no matter the cost.

Monday, March 4, 2013

The End

This is a new writing I did for a class. Have fun!

The world really was falling apart, and I was too late. Nothing I did to prevent this worked. We tried so hard, and yet my vision came true. I’m so sorry Planet Earth.

Thursday, February 21, 2013


I have been away for so long. I feel terrible. High school is the worst. I don't exactly have reasons why I haven't been around :P. But I will post more of my new writings now that I actually have a creative writing class! I'm doing better with my writing and I've got my Senior Project idea now :)

Thursday, August 2, 2012

"In The Pouring Rain"

My newest story :) I'll be posting a few more stuff on here later. By the way, I'm sorry I haven't been keeping up with my book reviews. I've just had so many to read! If you want to read and find my ratings, go here: http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/9764834-sarah
In the mean time, have fun with this story :)

I could hear my heels clicking on the tile floor as I walked down the dead silent hall at school. No one said anything, but I could feel they were staring at me.
I am a freak now, and I can’t take it back.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Books: Again

Well, I've gotten behind in my posts! Got in trouble and now I don't have my laptop! I failed in trying to get it back, but now I'm working on the main computer- which might end up badly. Anyways, I've gotten a large-ish shipment of books recently and so I'll post some reviews of them. I won't bore you with ALL of them, or else I'll have at least a post a day the rate I'm going with these books.
So, until I finish this next one (Infinity by Sherrilyn Kenyon).

Au revoir.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

I Was Thinking...

I was thinking, late tonight (3:08, mind you) about his new(ish) book I finished reading called Unwind by Neal Shusterman. I was almost done with it and I literally had to put it down and ask myself if I wanted to finish it. Now, Unwind is a tough book to read, making you think about the meaning of life and when does life really start. And you see, I got thinking, When does life really start?
I'll tell you what I believe:
1) That no matter what, everyone deserves to live.
2) Abortion is wrong, because however young that fetus is, it has a soul waiting to be awakened.
3) No matter how horrible your child might be, killing them is wrong and it shouldn't happen.
4, going along with 3) Even if you aren't outright condemning your child to death, anything that leads to their death that was an effect of one of your choices for them is still a sin on your part.
5) Murder is wrong, and should not happen unless it is defending your country for a greater good.

Life is a very important thing to everyone, even ones who want to throw their own away, because once they make that choice there's no going back. Like the stupid meme says: YOLO.

Oh, how I hate that saying.

So, maybe I'm not the one to be talking about this kind of thing because of my slight emotional tilt, but I really do think that everyone can make choices for themselves and only themselves. A pregnant mother has no right to abort her unborn baby because they should give the baby a chance to live their lives. This is a kind of touchy subject for me, but my half brother (my mom's son) was given up for adoption and he turned out great. See, adoption is a better choice than abortion, because everyone lives- for the most part though, but I won't go into that. Adoption is the best way to go if you don't want to be a mother and you really can't take care of the child. Abortion could cause so many problems it could even lead to the mother's/child's death or she could become sterile, and that can take away the chance to have a family when she's ready for one.

Changing subjects here, so if you don't want to read more, then you can sign off and (maybe) come back later for my newest reviews on books.

To the subject of suicide now, it's a taboo theme for writing. People don't want to write about because it's a touchy subject in society, and no one wants to give ideas to already hurting teens and have their deaths placed on the author's head. No one wants that, and that's why Stephen King let Rage go out of print because of all the school shootings that was linked to the book. I could only get Rage when I bought a huge book with three other Bachman books. Suicide is personal for me too, because I've thought about killing myself many a time now, hence the slight tilt I mentioned before. I almost made the choice, but then it got out and I wasn't very happy about it. I made the choice to stay alive and deal with however crappy the world seems now. I've been born into a sh*t-hole of a world where there's no turning back for most choices.

Making choices is a major part of life. Life is all about trial and error, a collage of choices and mistakes. But we have to learn how to deal with the consequences of our choices, because as I've said so many times now we make the choices for only ourselves. Yes, we can influence others to make a choice, but in the end, they make the final decision. Our lives are filled with all the mistakes and dreams we have, but it comes right down to the choices we make. Choices is what gets us places in life, and it's only our decision that matters. That's why it ticks me off when people say it's "not their choice". IT'S ALL THEIR CHOICE! Don't they get it? We the people have a right to make our own choices and I think it's time for people to start realizing it! We make our own decisions, whether it's to jump off the twenty story building or to kiss the person you've had a crush on since eighth grade or to get up in the morning for a small, unimportant meeting, it doesn't matter because we're humans. We're humans with a complex brain that gives the chance to make choices and decisions on our own. That's what makes us human, so throw out the ideas about the stupid opposable thumbs and our complex society system- it's our choice making that makes us who we are, even down to the individual.

Changing subjects again, so I warn you again if you want to stop reading, there's no hard feelings.

Gay and bisexual relationships are not my thing. I don't support it, but I'm not fighting it. It's their choice. I can't stop people from making that choice, but what I can do is fight the legality of their marriage. I know, my religion is getting in the way here, but marriage between to people is to be a (natural) man and (natural) woman. What, I bet you are thinking, do I mean by natural? I'm talking about all the different surgical things people can get nowadays can change their gender. Do you realize what this means? It means that this world has justified everything. You can change everything about you except for your DNA and the choices you make.

It all comes down to choices, doesn't it?

How's that food for thought?

Friday, May 11, 2012

Beyonders: Seeds Of Rebellion

"Beyonders: Seed of Rebellion" by Brandon Mull

This is a great sequel to the first book "A World Without Heroes". The story line continues along in a great fashion that made me yearn for the third book that's not out yet! The characters are so likable and they're great role models for me. I want to be like them to the point where I want to be them! Okay, maybe not that hard core about it, but they all have at least one desirable trait that I would like to have.

Jason went back to Lyrian even though he didn't have to, not wanting to leave behind Rachel. Rachel has this drive that I wish I had. Galloran will stop at nothing to see an unjust ruler thrown out of the throne. Drake wants to atone for his past mistakes.... The list can go on and on, but I'll stop there.I would recommend this book to most teenagers who like adventure books, and maybe even some middle school age children who like a touch of fantasy to their lives.

I give this boo a three point five (3.5) out of five (5).