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I love to write, it is my passion. I've now been published twice and I plan on becoming a world-renown author once out of high school. I also plan on becoming a high school English teacher because I live for English and Lit.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Currently Working On...

Right now, I'm currently working on my senior project for school which is taking up most of my time, but I'll gradually start posting again. 
I'm having a friend draw my cover for the book I'm putting together and the art is based on the story I will be using for the fourth year section. 
Here's a little tidbit of it:

Once upon a time, in a deep and dark forest, sat a young woman who glowed in the shining moonlight. Her bright blonde hair shimmered around her pale face, crowding close to her pale blue eyes. She sat picking the Moon Flower, the only flower in the kingdom that bloomed at night. The wind held its breath, letting the girl sit in the warm air without stirring her wild waves and soft white dress she wore. Many people who saw her wondered why there was a woman sitting in the dead of night, picking flowers, but they never disturbed her. The travelers kept walking, unsure if the woman was just a specter or their imagination playing tricks on them. But they didn’t know that this woman was actually the daughter of the King of Gaskarth. She was just the opposite of her father, who was dark in every sense of the word. He blended in with the trees around, his throne made of deep onyx stone that was always cold. He had a cold heart that matched his citizens’ souls. But the girl was kind, warm and always smiling. She could never be mean to anyone, no matter what they did to her, except with her father though that was expected. She had the brightest of spirits in all the Kingdom and that is why she glowed in the moonlight. Arunima was the most beautiful woman in the realm and many men wanted to marry her. The King refused to have her married to these evil men. He wanted the best for her and he would not settle for anyone in the Kingdom.
He knew she would be his bargaining chip though, to settle a dispute between the neighboring kingdom, Doramir. They were on the brink of war and the King would not risk the loss of his dear forest. He loved his daughter, but he valued the well being of his kingdom first. He knew he had to get her to marry the prince from Doramir. He had to stop the brooding war, no matter the cost.

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