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I love to write, it is my passion. I've now been published twice and I plan on becoming a world-renown author once out of high school. I also plan on becoming a high school English teacher because I live for English and Lit.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Books: Again

Well, I've gotten behind in my posts! Got in trouble and now I don't have my laptop! I failed in trying to get it back, but now I'm working on the main computer- which might end up badly. Anyways, I've gotten a large-ish shipment of books recently and so I'll post some reviews of them. I won't bore you with ALL of them, or else I'll have at least a post a day the rate I'm going with these books.
So, until I finish this next one (Infinity by Sherrilyn Kenyon).

Au revoir.

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