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I love to write, it is my passion. I've now been published twice and I plan on becoming a world-renown author once out of high school. I also plan on becoming a high school English teacher because I live for English and Lit.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Across The Universe

"Across The Universe" by Beth Revis

"Across The Universe" felt like it took forever in the beginning, but the whole idea of people being frozen, stored away, and then reanimated when their spaceship lands on a whole new planet 300 years into the future sounded like a good book. I was intrigued, although I felt like the walls in my room were closing in on me along with the ships' own walls closing in on the characters. But, early evening yesterday, when the story line took an unexpected turn that even I couldn't predict, I couldn't seem to put it down until 2:04 in the morning. 

Amy's dreams while she's frozen seem to be real to her, but then when they change into nightmares, she knows she's still frozen, waiting for the ship Godspeed to land. Amy's waiting for the 300 years to end so she can see her parents again, but then something goes wrong with her freezing chamber: She's violently awaken from her deep frozen sleep fifty years before the ship is supposed to land. 

Elder, the next leader, is exactly like everyone else on the ship: The same brown skin, same brown eyes, and same dark hair. Everything is the same except for his age: He's younger than everyone else on the ship, until Amy is woken up. He tries to help Amy figure out who tried to kill her, but then Eldest lies to everyone. He lies to get what he wants and to keep control. 

This is a whole other world, literally and metaphorically. Taking place in mid-space, this book is full of never-ending twists and turns that you can never imagine. This is a book I would recommend to most of friends.

I give this book a four stars (4) out of five (5).

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