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I love to write, it is my passion. I've now been published twice and I plan on becoming a world-renown author once out of high school. I also plan on becoming a high school English teacher because I live for English and Lit.

Saturday, September 24, 2011


Part of a story I came up with after reading The Hunger Games trilogy.
It was very strange, really....It's really just like the first book, but different way about it all. Not really planning on doing anything with it though. Copyright things and whatnot.

I’m standing there, hemmed in the middle of all the girls when eighteen-year-old Autumn Roberts is called. A man on the side starts yelling and crying along with her as she walks to her death waiting for her on the stage.
“Volunteers?” The woman in charge, Celestia, called.
I have no idea what got into me, but I raced forward to take Autumn’s place in the Games. A gasp sounds throughout the square. “Good; now we can continue on to the boys.” Celestia calmly walked to box filled with the blue slips of paper.
To my horror, the last person I thought of was called.
Kade Young was called.
A shock ran through my body as I saw the look on his face. Tears break the dam and I fall to my knees, racked with sobs and screams. This was not how it was supposed to go! Please don’t make him come! He picks me up and pulls me close, wrapping is big, warm arms around me as Celestia calls for volunteers. Only one person does.
Jake Jones takes my boyfriend’s place. I stop screaming, yet continue crying. I’m not crying for joy. Nope. I can’t do that to Jake.
“Okay, here are you’re tributes from District Twelve: Caroline Sullivan and Jake Jones.” Silence meets her words as we are taken to the Justice Building. Now’s the time families and friends come to say goodbye, but only Kade comes. I sit in his lap and cry until I can’t. He whispers into my ear “Care, you have to win this. Your family won’t be able to see it, but make the Capitol pay for what they did to your dad.” He runs his fingers through my hair and kisses my forehead, which only makes me sob more with the pain of loss.
“How do . . . I . . . win though?” I ask, hiccupping.
“Go for the whore type.” He rushes on as I glare. “You have the body and the words to make it happen. Pull every guy under your spell, but before it goes too far, kill them.”
I was just about to respond when a Peacekeeper yells that our time is up. It takes three of them to pull me out of Kade’s arms and we only manage a small kiss before I’m shoved out to the train platform and straight into Jake’s arms. I’m still screaming for Kade until Jake tells me to calm down.
As we’re ushered into a very plush compartment, Celestia talks our ears off. We finally plop onto a velvet blue couch when she asks “Are you guys ready?”
“Ready for what?” Jake asks in his deep voice. He’s pretty handsome with his dark hair, grey eyes and olive skin. Kade has some similarities like the hair and voice, but he has blue eyes and tan skin. Same muscles, same height, but different ties to me.
“To talk to us,” Abel, our only mentor, tells us in his gruff voice and takes a swig of wine.
“About what?” my voice is hoarse from all my screaming and crying within two hours and I grab a glass of water.
“What you want to do today.”
“I’m not sure about Jake, but I’m sleeping.” I walked to the nearest bedroom and passed out on the bed, still in my sea-green dress.
I slept for the rest of the day and throughout the night I was troubled by old nightmares I still can’t pull out of. Someone wakes me by shaking my shoulder and I sit up screaming, franticly looking around. It’s only Jake, his eyes filled with worry. “The nightmares.” he says and it’s not a question. I nod nevertheless. “Celestia won’t shut up until you come to breakfast. Save me?” I laugh and he helps me to my feet. I walk in shoeless, my hair a mess and my dress wrinkled. Celestia gasps and jabbers nonstop about it.
I eat fast and silently. Abel is still sucking down wine, but not as much as yesterday.

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