About Me

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I love to write, it is my passion. I've now been published twice and I plan on becoming a world-renown author once out of high school. I also plan on becoming a high school English teacher because I live for English and Lit.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Another Part

A little bit more of the previous story:

“Caroline,” he slurs. “We’re arriving to the Capitol today. You have to meet lots of people tonight. I want you cleaned up and presentable.”
Something inside me snaps. I’m so not going to put up with this from him. “Don’t act like my father: I had one and he’s gone now. I don’t want another one, and I definitely don’t want another mother, Celestia. She’s gone too, and I’m happy she is. I’ve done just fine looking out for myself lately, so don’t act parentally.” I stomp out to sulk in my room. No one comes until we’re almost there.
“I’m sorry about earlier. I didn’t know. It’s about another hour or two, so I suggest you get ready.” Abel had sobered. Sort of.
“And I’m sorry for snapping. It’s only been nine months, though.” I paused. “How did you not know?” I asked, looking up finally.
“I’ve barely sobered enough to talk to you. I hardly know what’s going on in Twelve. Get ready, or I’ll send Celestia in to help you.”
After trying to work the shower and finding a cute little dress and some flats, I was ready to face the country.
Jake walks with me through all the cameras and people, making sure I get there safely. We have the top floor of the Training Center, and so we take the elevator. As we settle in, dinner is served. The food is nothing like home, even though Mom used to cook great and Kade’s mom is amazing with food.
The elevator pings, signaling someone arriving. Two men around twenty-five walk around the corner, side by side. Identical twins: Fun.
“I’m Sam and this is Seth.” The man on the right spoke while the other grinned. “Seth will be Caroline’s and I’ll be with Jake. Let’s get to work.” Sam clapped and three women shot out of nowhere and drug Jake, spluttering, into his room. Another three women, this time less exuberant, ushered me into my room as well.
As I am scrubbed, waxed hairless, and my face poked unrelentingly, I find the red-haired one is named Veronica, the blonde on with fake gold eyes is Fey, and the little mocha elfin girl was named Lilith. They would ask me constantly about my family, but that always ended in tears- despite the fact they were rubbing layers of skin off too.

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