About Me

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I love to write, it is my passion. I've now been published twice and I plan on becoming a world-renown author once out of high school. I also plan on becoming a high school English teacher because I live for English and Lit.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Living With A Writer

Rule 8:
Don't TELL them what they need to do, put it on a piece of paper and stick it on the computer screen so they see it

Rule 9:
Never, EVER take away a writer's computer/notebook. The result could be your death.

Rule 10:
The writer will not move over, so don't ask them to.

Rule 11:
Giving a writer a trivial task such as wrapping presents, is a bad idea. The paper will be sloppy, torn and not covering places because they're desperate to return to their writing.

Rule 12:
Caffeine and sugar are the writer's best friends. Do not take them away. You may be harmed.

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