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I love to write, it is my passion. I've now been published twice and I plan on becoming a world-renown author once out of high school. I also plan on becoming a high school English teacher because I live for English and Lit.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

New Story (Comment to Give it a Name Please)

I wish I had no idea why I was here.
Rolling green hills trap me. A cloudless blue sky kills me. A bright Woodville sun beats down on my skin, making me feel hot and sticky. The smell of the grass was intoxicating, but in the distance I could smell gasoline burning on the freeway. My music blared in my ears as I stare out of the window of my father’s old, beat up pickup, eating a small brownie.
Why was I in Woodville?
I knew the answer, but I hated to know it.
My name is Heracles Foreman, and my father moved to Woodville, California to get away from the frozen cold of Alaska. And to get away from my frozen mother.
I hate her. I hate her with all of my heart and all of my will. Even though she protected me from my father’s cruelty.
See, my story is one of ignoring, beating and hate. My story is a terrible one, and it’s a life that I live that I would never wish on anyone in this world. No one deserves this life.
My mother ignores me most of the time, while the rest of the time she is taking care of me after my father has finished with me.
My father beats me constantly for every little thing that would go wrong, but out of guilt he buys me anything that I want. Even though I don’t want anything- well almost anything.
The thing I do want the most was to be free from my family. The courts wouldn’t allow it, let alone my mother or father; and I’m almost eighteen and could get a lob extremely fast.
Suddenly, my father tapped on my arm and I ripped out an ear bud as fast as I could.
“Son, we’re almost to the house; then you can call your mother and Aphrodite to tell them that we made it. Also, send our wishes to Aphrodite to get well. Once done on the phone, come outside and unpack the whole trailer while I run into town to pick up some things. I expect it to be all done when I get back.” Father lifted an eyebrow and I nodded my agreement. I knew what happen if I didn’t get it done on time.
We got to a small, white house with blue trim. Is this really the house? I can’t believe Father would buy this.
I ran into the after unlocking it and whipped out my phone. I dialed my mother and she answered on the third ring.
“Heracles, are you guys there yet?”
“Yes, Mother; we made it safely. I was told to send our wishes to Aphrodite to get better. Mother, I have to leave now. Tell Aphrodite I said hello. Bye, Mother.”
“Heracles; wait,” my mother, Juno, had one of those sad tones in her voice.
“Yes, Mother?” I asked, hoping for some sort worry about me.
“Aphrodite went through a few more tests and as it turns out, she does not have cancer, just a really bad sickness.” My hopes died, were crushed- choose something like that and it’ll fit. I heard a small voice in the background as my mother paused. “I have to go now; Aphrodite wants me go buy her something.” Mother slammed the receiver down and I was disconnected.
I went back outside and started bringing the boxes in. When I had barely even made a dent in the trailer, a black Dodge Ram 4x4 pulled up to the curb. A boy about my age stepped out and walked over to me, taking off his sunglasses.
“Hey, you just moved in?” He had dark brown hair, brown eyes and was dressed like a true cowboy. Great, I thought, I moved into a hick town today. Life is going to be great. I pushed my blonde “surfer boy” hair out of my light brown eyes. I nodded, trying to catch my breath. I knew I should have said something, but I just couldn’t breathe yet.

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