About Me

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I love to write, it is my passion. I've now been published twice and I plan on becoming a world-renown author once out of high school. I also plan on becoming a high school English teacher because I live for English and Lit.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Can You Guess...? ROUND TWO

***The Rules:
1) Comment for an answer
2) Please no profanity. Get a better vocabulary

How To Play:
1) I give you a line from one of my stories
2) You comment to give an answer to which story it best fits (or actually came from).
3) About a week later, I'll give the answer!
4) Once a month, on the second Tuesday, I'll give a new bit.***

Round Two

"It heightened my sense of dread and fright to see myself multiplied a trillion times into forever. I got to the door at the end, finally, and began to pull with all my might. It didn’t open, much to my horror, and I glanced behind me only to see the man walking calmly towards me."

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